Friday, September 26, 2008
Something to think about when your flight is delayed...
Posted by
Derrek Cooper
12:00 PM
Thursday, September 25, 2008
What exactly is Upfront CFD & CFdesign?
"I work for a really cool software company."
"Wow, who?" (said w. enthusiasm)
"Well, a relatively small company that develops design software for engineers" (said w. enthusiasm)
"Oh, sounds interesting." (said politely)
"Yea, it's awesome, we help engineers create really innovative designs, by reducing the number of physical prototypes, we turn their computers into a virtual prototyping environments. It allows engineers to turn their computers into a virtual flow bench, wind tunnel or thermal test rig!! Allows them to really understand how to improve their product performance by seeing how they work in 3D."
"yea, wow, hmmm...I am going to grab another beer, you want anything!"
I am fortunate enough to work with a bunch of guys that are super excited about what we do. We all spin it a bit different, but in the end, we are all saying the same thing. Here's a classic...
Posted by
Derrek Cooper
5:10 PM
Labels: cfdesign, upfront cfd
Monday, September 22, 2008
Choosing a CFD Services Provider
I was out this morning early walking my dogs on the trails near my home. Two ladies were jogging by and I overheard the conversation.
"My presentation went over very well. I am really glad I put the time into preparing.... I was able to score four consulting projects out of the deal. I'm not exactly sure who will do them, but that isn't my problem."Sound familiar? Happens all the time. You often hear the old IBM approach the "Blue is there for you". Implying that due to shear size, they are able to address your needs. But suppose you are new the problem and need that extra bit of attention to help you understand the results of the service provided. The more important question, I feel, is does the vendor have the bandwidth, do they have the expertise, but most importantly - "can they explain to me the solution to the problem in a way that I understand?"

However, I have found that majority of problems out there fall into the middle of the two extremes. Often, the problems require a decent understanding of the physics, but are heavily weighted on the impact of the design. In other words, many of the engineers that I speak to need someone that truly understands fluid flow and heat transfer, but also is savvy enough to know from a design perspective, what design changes to make and why.
Regardless of where your problems fall, make sure that you dig in and trust your gut feel. When talking to a services provider, do you get a good feeling from this guy? Can he provide references for similar problems? Does he speak "my language" or just using fancy terms to impress? Remember, it's your companies money and your reputation at stake.
Posted by
Derrek Cooper
8:00 AM
Labels: CFD consultants, cfd services, cfdesign
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Where to go for "Help"?!
Experience has shown that todays senior engineers are used to the either RTFM (read the fing manual) routine or dialing up their favorite support person and having a chat. Today's new engineers rely a bit more on the instant gratification modell and will surf forums, community sites etc. Neither is right or wrong, just a matter of preference. But I believe that a software community model is a win-win for all.
My definition of a community is a place where I can search the Knowledge Base, access the Help system, read and participate in Forums, view Blogs written on the topic, submit a support question, track my support question and access the support phone number if necessary. Notice that I place the phone option as a last resource. Partially, its a matter of preference and historically bad experiences. But, most importantly, if we as "users" are given the information at our fingertips, it will free up the time of the support team to address those that indeed need a quick chat on the phone.
Dell, for example, has a 800 number to call and you are routed all over the world. I dont care if I am routed to Mars as long as I get an answer to my question. But, they also have the "chat" option. I love this. I can do other things as I am waiting in the queue as well as have a quick live chat in short blasts that almost always gets an answer to my question. Dell, provides a Knowledge Base etc, but it is on the extreme side - way too much info. It would take me forever going through their KB, to realize that my battery is fried and needs to be replaced.
My beloved, Skype, has a great Forum section. They have power users around the world that usually chime in with some tips. But (sorry Skype), their actual support system is really bad. The response time is horrendously slow -- they claim 72 hour response (yikes), but takes more like 4-5 days +. HOWEVER, what skype has that I love is when I submit a question, I pick a category and I am presented with 3 possible solutions prior to submitting. They are obviously trying to enforce the self sufficient model. Again, fine with me as long as it answers my question.
I have posted before, that I am a huge fan of videos. I'd rather do a quick search and be presented with Solutions and a Video that explains the solution. Show me and let me figure it out.
Check out my scientific :) poll here at the top of the page. Interesting that email received the least amount of votes. Why is that? My exhaustive analysis of the statistics reveals that email is not instantaneous enough. If I email support, it goes into a queue just like everyone else. I then receive the typical first email that may or may not answer my question. If if does, great, if it doesn't I am back in the queue. The support person will then have a difficult time tracking our conversation and it goes into an oblivion of misunderstandings.
Point of the rant here is, people are different. They should be given options. It is ok to guide them along the process of being self-sufficent, just make sure you are answering their questions.
Posted by
Derrek Cooper
8:24 AM
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Subway Fires & Upfront CFD

Sounds familiar..."what if?" Good old "what if". It is one of the fundamental principles of Upfront CFD. It is a blast to work with these guys. Tons of excitement, lots of curiosity, lots and lots of questions. Makes our job really fun to engage with people super excited about the technology!
Posted by
Derrek Cooper
10:25 PM
Monday, September 15, 2008
Game Changer: Evernote!!
In my mind, my life was too complicated to find a single tool or system that can satisfy my needs. So, I gave in to a physical notebook. One of the guy's on our team refers to it as "my little green book". Not sure why I find that funny, I just do. I carry this beast everywhere, jotting notes in different colors, filled with a variety of note taking systems so I can come back and refer to them later. The thought is that in the evenings, I can then quickly extract this info and then enter it into yet another system. Confused yet? Me too.

I stumbled upon Evernote. Stealing from their website.....
Evernote allows you to easily capture information in any environment using whatever device or platform you find most convenient, and makes this information accessible and searchable at any time, from anywhere.
But, above all, what I love the most about Evernote is that I can access it from multiple locations --> local application on my laptop, via the web from any machine or my phone. They are all synched at all times. It gives me the best of all worlds.
A couple of things to note of Evernote as a company. They are gaining a ton of points with me as a customer. They have -- a blog, post to Twitter, have a Facebook fan page and have one of the better forums I have ever used. One of the moderators, Engberg, consistently responds quickly to posts.
I am looking forward to future releases. There are certainly things that could be added, but for now, I'm sold.
Posted by
Derrek Cooper
9:24 PM
Labels: evernote
Friday, September 12, 2008
Poking Fun @ the PTC "For Sale" Saga....
Huge Disclaimer: This is posted in good fun, not looking to cause a national incident. Officially, I am a huge fan of PTC!! :)
A good friend sent me this photo, I thought it summed it all up pretty nicely.
This photo was taken recently north of Tel Aviv, Isreal. Reminds me of a priceless commercial.
Posted by
Derrek Cooper
3:05 PM
Sunday, September 07, 2008
PTC is for sale???
To me, it makes sense that Autodesk is expanding it's horizons. Expanding its simulation game by acquiring Plassotech and Moldflow. Trying to become the dominant player.

I have to admit, I am not sure I fully understood why Siemens purchased UGS, so I guess this falls in the same category. Who can afford a $2B purchase? I am not sure anyone in the MCAD/FEA/CFD world, so perhaps another monster company coming in like Siemens?? Maybe Google, Microsoft? How about Apple? One can only wish!!!
Posted by
Derrek Cooper
10:23 PM
Labels: ptc
Friday, September 05, 2008
Weekend Project: Ubuntu Linux

Posted by
Derrek Cooper
9:19 PM