Ever go into a store and see a cup with a note, "Need a Penny; Give a Penny"? Same applies here. Over 100+ unique readers check in each week, so if we can each leave one or two of our favorite links, we can grow quite a list.

All you have to do is leave a quick comment with the link and a quick statement (if applicable) of what you use it for. I'll start the list. Obviously, the standard is Matweb - clearly the most popular among the bunch. All of you flow guys out there, really looking for good fluid flow property sites.
General Material Properties - Matweb
Atmospheric Pressure Calculator
Old School Mesh Size Calculator
eFluids - random fluid links
CFD-online - great CFD discussion forums
I will begin to organize these a bit more as comments are posted. Disclaimer- these are all links that I have used over the years. Take them for what they are - random links.
Engauge Digitizer
One of the more useful tools I've seen out there for everyday engineering. Plus, it's free! Did someone fax a graph of data to you? Need to get it into actual data form in excel? Put away your ruler and just scan the picture into this tool. It converts images or copies of graphs into real data! Magic!
Another pressure drop calculator:
It gives you the ability to change the section of the pipe, include bends...
This one is cool to estimates of diffusion coefficients: http://www.epa.gov/athens/learn2model/part-two/onsite/estdiffusion.htm
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