I have spent the last few days navigating my way through France. Normally, I am fortunate enough to be riding shotgun while one of the local guys does the driving. Not this time. I have driven from Switzerland through quite a few towns in France all with no map whatsoever. I got the tip from a colleague to rent a GPS with the rental car. Enter the TomTom.

I used to think that GPS devices were just another gadget that the hi-tech geeks were carrying around. But I have to admit, I would have been literally lost all week without it. It is super simple to use and has worked so far seemlessly.
I have travled by car from the middle of nowhere in France to the other side of nowhere in France and many cool places in between. The TomTom is super easy to use and has a 1000 extra features that I almost crashed a few times trying to check out a few times on the fly.
It is amazing how simple it is to use and how accurate it was even in little towns/villages in France. It helped me out quite a bit on round-abouts. Those things kill me everytime. I feel like Chevy Chase in European Vacation just doing loops until I just pick an exit.

Couln't help notice how hot these things get. I had it plugged in majority of the time in the car, but when I would stop for a bite I would take it with me. Quite a bit of heat being generated in these things. Above is a model I did quite a while ago for a "fish finder" company. Same general idea, about 5x bigger in size than today's GPS gadgets, but relatively same deal.
Goal is to make these things rugged as hell, air/water tight, cool looking and extremely dependable. No small feat for a designer. Apparently, I need to get on it as everyone in Europe seems to have one of these guys. Might need to jump on the bandwagon as I am sold.
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