Friday, July 25, 2008

Taking on Goliath

I feel like I am a fairly progressive adopter of new technology, the latest thing etc. However, I am usually a bit behind the early adopters. Meaning, I love trying out the coolest new thing, but rarely am I the first guy on it. I usually need someone else to be the guinea pig and give me a taste.

Enter Firefox. I have heard from close to everyone how cool Firefox is and felt way behind. So I just downloaded and installed Firefox3. Very cool from a User's Experience. I wont bore you with all of the cool features. What I noticed is how simple the process was to install. I downloaded, installed and it recognized IE, grabbed all of my favorites/bookmarks etc. I was up and running in a few mins. Clean, non-cluttered interface. Awesome!

I have always been a fan of Microsoft for the most part, so I am not a renegade guy always going against the grain. But the Mozilla guys took a huge chance going against the behemoth who essentially "gives away" their browser but they are still gaining ground everyday. There is a great interview in Wired this month with the Mozilla CEO. It is extremely expiring to see a group of people that believe in what they do, ban together and make a difference.

A great friend and mentor recently said...

"Do not think that a few people with a common purpose can not change the world, indeed, it is the only thing that ever has..."

1 comment:

Burhop said...

I've got to agree. In fact as I've plugged into more and more social media, I've found Flock (based on Mozilla Firefox) to give me even more.

Dragging and dropping photos, tracking multiple chanels (twitter, Flickr, Facebook, youtube, etc.) has been nice.