Social media has been quite the buzz lately covering the entire spectrum. Some engineers have grasped the idea, others are probably more the skeptical engineering type. There are alot of guys that want a better explanation to exactly what social media is and what it does for them. There are some guys that want a better explanation to exactly what social media is and what it can do for them. I get the feeling that some guys want a formula that can show what social media can do for them? I'm not sure it's that easy.

I saw a post from COFES where an engineer jokingly stated that "...yeah, I'm not going to design a plane on facebook". Pretty funny statement, brings a bit of reality to the topic. I have had conversation with guys about Twitter and other tools out there. Response is mixed, either they feel they "don't get it" or feel its "not for me". The reasons are all over the map-- don't care, no time, not interested. What I find interesting is that these same guys don't have any issues frequenting certain forums of interest. I'm not sure Twitter is much different, it all depends on how you use it.
I do appreciate the skepticism, but I'm not a fan of narrow mindedness. Just because its different, just because you aren't into it or understand it, doesn't mean it has no value.
Simply put, social media, in my eyes is about communication, interaction, collaboration, knowledge gathering and knowledge sharing. Hmm, parallels engineering pretty closely from a top level? I'm the first to admit that there is a lot of fluff that all gets categorized as social media. But I think there is tremendous value being "plugged in, connected and informed".
Not too long ago, PTC announced what they coined Social Product Development. Instantly, eyes began to roll as it looked life another acronym was in the works. BUT, I immediately got what they meant. They are right! Is My Space and Facebook going to take over product development? No. But the idea of collaborating via the web, staying in tuned with other sites across the globe is a requirement in today's world. Tomorrow's engineers don't know life any other way. They will change the way we collaborate and view communication from a product development standpoint.
There are products popping up all over the place that allow engineers to communicate their design ideas across all of the aspects of product design. Check out vuuch. A tool that enables the design discussions within a cad environment. All of these tools will rise and fall over the near future. The strong will survive.
We will see the future of social media and product development begin to incorporate PLM/PDM info, text messages via iphones, instant messaging systems, video messaging, 3D mark-up, including FEA/CFD simulation and physical prototyping as well as 3D printing. Seem far fetched? Hang tight, folks, its coming.
We will see the future of social media and product development begin to incorporate PLM/PDM info, text messages via iphones, instant messaging systems, video messaging, 3D mark-up, including FEA/CFD simulation and physical prototyping as well as 3D printing. Seem far fetched? Hang tight, folks, its coming.