Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Are you maximizing your CFD investment?

Something I have been passionate about for the last 12 years or so is helping companies implement CFD into their development environment. Easy, right? I have come to accept that some people get it and others really struggle.The guys that get it are a blast to work with as they want to be successful and are open to change.

The guys that struggle can be a challenge, but can be some of the most rewarding folks to work with. Not much better than watching folks evolve and grasp a new technology that will turbo boost them past their competitors.

I have spoken to countless engineers all over the world that have a bad feeling about CFD. They either struggled in the past, don't feel up to it or are being restricted by management to embrace it properly.

Check out my buddy, Jeff's spot on blog post on embracing the business impact of CFD simulation. If you read this and are still a skeptic, that's cool. Stick to physical testing and hang tight as your competition evolves and leaves you behind.


Masha said...
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Masha said...

Hi Derrek,

Thanks for posting a link to Jeff's piece on my blog. Funny how many engineers are still oblivious to the benefits and necessity of engineering modeling. Cheers!


Anonymous said...

WOW talk about a tough task! I started a master in FEA but realized I did not want to be fed food behind a door... Great to see people who believe in changing the world and the ways of others.