Sunday, August 23, 2009

Top 10 reasons why CFdesign 2010 is changing the game...again!

Things have been quiet on the Virtual Engineer front lately. All for good reasons. I have been utterly consumed with the new release, CFdesign 2010. The feedback has been overwhelmingly great.

This release is a game-changer, for sure. You've been asking and we have been listening. Take a peek at the doc below to get a general feel. Videos will be posted in the next few days.

Click the "Toggle full screen" button.

CFdesign 2010_top 10 Brochure


Anonymous said...

Will it work on Netbook ? Not that I want to run heavy duty analysis on Netbook but because I want to do some preliminary pre-processing or post-processing on Netbook.

Derrek Cooper said...

in theory, it "may" work but I think you will find the user experience will suffer tremendously. The processor, RAM, HD space on netbooks is less than ideal for any simulation package. Not to mention, the graphics will be pretty bad.

What kind of netbook do you have, just curious?