Saturday, February 23, 2008

CFD Guys Can Build Structures too...& Vice Versa

We had our first snow storm in Philadelphia this week. Nothing major, 3-4", but way more than we have had all year. Al Gore is definitely on to something with his Global Warming message. Things are definitely changing. Here is a shot of yours truly trying to impress my daughter with our first snow man of the year. Luckily, her expectations are not that high.

We talk about the role of the engineer evolving over the last few years. Many of us are required to wear multiple hats and multi-task (seems to be the buzz word lately). Many organizations have adopted Structural FEA simulation over the last 10 years or so. I think it is a safe bet that many of these same engineers have flow and thermal issues as well. Actually, I can guarantee it. These same engineers could just as easily include Upfront CFD into their current process. Currently, I bet they are either barely getting by without it or really not getting their moneys worth by out-sourcing. I have written in a prior post that Upfront CFD is actually easier than Structural FEA.

If this is ringing true to you, I'd suggest you go a little googling on Upfront CFD. Have a heart to heart chat with a sales guy out there. Get a sense for how easy it would be to bring this technology in house and really set your products apart from your competition.

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