Monday, February 18, 2008

Who's Driving IRONCAD?

An article was recently published highlighting the New Features of the latest release of IRONCAD. I love learning about products like this. They have been around for along time, so there must be enough room in the market for everyone. I always placed them in the same category as Kubotek (CADKEY), Alibre, VX etc... Not sure it's fair to classify them in the same group?

But based upon what I've read, appears to have a ton of really cool features. The U/I above looks modern, lots of drag & drop etc. I would really like to hear from users out there who are driving IRONCAD. Not sure how it stands up to the mainstream systems, like SolidWorks, Inventor etc. But after browsing their gallery, pretty clear that users are modeling some pretty cool things. I've always been a fan of the smaller guy out there. They typically have a pretty solid product with a devoted user base. I'd like to hear from some of you...

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