Thursday, October 30, 2008

What does Upfront CFD have to do with Halloween?

Well, probably more than you thought. Little bit of fun here. I modeled a pumpkin in SolidWorks, brought it into CFdesign and ran a flow and thermal simulation to predict the air flow behavior due to the candle burning.

Obviously, this post is mostly in fun. But it does point out a few things.

  1. Pumpkins are fairly complex geometry, modeling the "seams" etc. Many meshers would require extra care in capturing that level of detail.
  2. No need to model a "flame" when you are simply interested in flow effects, how to "vent" an enclosure with an extremely high temperature.
  3. There are more and more ways that Upfront CFD can be used to improve even the simplest of designs.
Happy Halloween, everyone! Be Safe!

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